Trinity Kids


Leisure and Indoor Activities

Trinity Kids Party Center is situated within the city center with excellent public transport connections. The Center provides drop-in hourly child care, kids’ party packages, well-equipped rooms for various games and learning activities, summer child care, coffee lounge for parents.

Highly-professional staff ensures that children feel secure and have fun while playing and learning. Here are some of the activities children can take part in at Trinity Kids: painting, drawing and finger painting, cooking, decoupage, video and interactive games, playground activities, singing and dancing and more. Mommy and I Create Together is one of the most popular workshops where 3-5 year olds and their moms make together cute bright pictures and decorations.

Trinity Kids has 4 rooms accommodating different age needs and abilities where the different activities take place. The Sport Hall takes in the Gymnastics and Yoga for Children classes, while the Orange Hall and the Art Hall is where art talents pop-up.

Trinity Kids is a popular venue for birthday, name and themed parties. These are available in 4 languages - Bulgarian, English, French and Russian – and are managed by the Center’s friendly staff and top-quality entertainers.

A stylish coffee lounge with free WiFi serves cocktails and beverages and is at the parents’ disposal while they are waiting for their kids.


1A Sultan Tepe Str., Sofia

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